Having a water heater timer installed can save you money
A water heater continues to operate throughout the day and night, even when not in use, in order to maintain a steady temperature. This can cause the energy bill to be higher. By simply investing in the installation of a timer for your water heater you may save yourself approximately 10%-12%, if not more, on your energy bill. Likewise, you could save up to 75% on that portion of your bill derived from the water heater itself.
There are two main types of water heater timers. The “old-school” manual type, and the newer digital kind. The kind you use will depend on your needs and abilities. A professional electrician can help you out with the decision.
While the digital timer is easy to see, that’s pretty much the only advantage. However, there are types of digital water heater timers that give you all kinds of measurements that come in handy. On the other hand, the manual timers are easy to use. They don’t really require any maintenance other than checking to make sure they’re working.
To benefit the most from your timer, have it set to “off” during those times when you are at work or sleeping. We recommend that you set your timer to turn on 30 minutes prior to its potential use. Not using your water heater 24/7 will also prolong the life span of your water heater’s elements. Once the water heater timer installation and programming is complete you can begin to enjoy the savings for years to come.
For more information on water heater timer installations contact us today and speak to one of our representatives to discuss this and other great money savings ideas. It’s a free consultation, and we can help you choose the best timer for your situation!