Track and rail (or monorail) lighting systems are a great way to give your home or office a clean upgrade. They’re mostly used when someone wants to greatly illuminate a certain area. The most common area to get this lighting is the kitchen, but living rooms are also popular. They can be as small as two or three lamps, to many lamps on several tracks!

Track and rail lighting gives the home or office an improved ambiance and has a nice soft glow. It comes in different styles and finishes to suit any design preference. The track heads on the track and rail systems can be adjusted as needed which is a great feature when the space is being rearranged. Most systems now use LED’s, but occasionally there are halogens or incandescent bulbs used. Halogen is very bright, but gives off a lot of heat, so for already hot spaces (think: kitchen) or delicate items (art is sensitive to hot lighting), LED’s are a smarter choice.
Types of Track and Rail Lighting
The “standard” track and rail lighting system included a way to slide the individual lamps back and forth, to control how much light shines where. Eventually, people wanted to be able to move parts of the whole thing, so the swing arm track was created. Just so some consumers had more choices, the fixed track and monorail track were created. The latter is still the most popular by far, and the most requested. Depending on where you plan on installing it and what you’re using it for, we can help you decide which one is best for you.
Once you’ve decided what type of track you want, you can choose whether you want the lights to be close to the ceiling, or closer to a certain surface. With pendant-type track and rail, you can even have them at different lengths! And don’t forget that ceiling mounts aren’t the only application – these fixtures can be mounted on walls as well!
Because they’re incredibly versatile, they can be used in almost any room, and in many different capacities. If you would like to upgrade some of your light fixtures to track and rail, give us a call. It’s a free consultation!
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ALWAYS call and check with a qualified electrician before attempting anything you have read on this site. Changes are always happening with the NEC, Standards & Regulations, and State, County, and City by-laws.